
Virtual Apps and Desktops

CitrixCitrix CloudVirtual Apps and Desktops

Make Light Version the Default Workspace

Did you know you can make the light version of the Citrix Workspace App a.k.a. HTML5 the default and only client option in Citrix Cloud?

Check out the documentation here:

First, go to your admin page and go to the Hamburger (three line) menu icon:

Then Select Workspace configuration:

Under Workspace Configuration Select Customize and then select Preferences.

Now you can select how users will connect.  The selections look like this:

You can select:

  1. In a browser
  2. In a Native App
  3. Let the Users Choose

The “In a browser” option matches up to the “light version” option on the Citrix Workspace (app that was formerly known as Receiver) interface.  Historically this was the HTML5 option.

Now users will either choose for themselves or you as the administrator can force HTML5, or the full Workspace App.

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