Here’s an example of a bash script that enables a specific AWS Directory for use with Amazon Workspaces using the AWS CLI:
# Set the AWS CLI region
aws configure set default.region us-west-2
# Specify the directory ID and the directory name
# Enable the directory for use with Amazon Workspaces
aws workspaces enable-workspace-directory --directory-id $directory_id
# Confirm that the directory has been enabled
enabled_directories=$(aws workspaces describe-workspace-directories --directory-ids $directory_id --query 'Directories[].DirectoryId' --output text)
if [ $enabled_directories == $directory_id ]; then
echo "Success: $directory_name has been enabled for use with Amazon Workspaces."
echo "Error: $directory_name could not be enabled for use with Amazon Workspaces."
In this example, replace d-1234567890
with the actual ID of the directory you want to enable for use with Amazon Workspaces. This bash script uses the AWS CLI to enable the specified directory for use with Amazon Workspaces, and then confirms that the directory has been successfully enabled by checking the list of enabled directories. If the directory has been successfully enabled, the script will print a success message, and if not, it will print an error message.