Amazon Web Services (AWS)Amazon WorkSpaces

Use the AWS CLI to get what user we assign to what Amazon WorkSpaces instance

To use the AWS CLI to get what user we assign to what Amazon WorkSpaces, you can use the describe-workspaces command and filter the output to show the username for each workspace. Here is an example command that you can use:

aws workspaces describe-workspaces --query “Workspaces[*].[WorkspaceId, UserName]“ --output text

This command uses the describe-workspaces command to get information about all workspaces in your AWS account. The --query option is used to filter the output to only show the WorkspaceId and UserName for each WorkSpace, and the --output option is set to text to display the output in a simple text format.

The output of this command will be a list of WorkSpace IDs and their assigned usernames, separated by tabs. You can redirect the output to a file or pipe it to another command to process the data further. For example, you could use the grep command to filter the output to show only the workspaces assigned to a particular user:

aws workspaces describe-workspaces --query “Workspaces[*].[WorkspaceId, UserName]“ --output text | grep john.doe

This command will filter the output to show only the workspaces assigned to the user with the username “john.doe”. You can replace “john.doe” with the username of the user you want to find.

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